Re:2022 in Deutschland ca 60.000 Privatjet.. flat
Autor: Phil Gates
Datum:12.05.23 10:17
Antwort auf:Re:2022 in Deutschland ca 60.000 Privatjet.. von FS

>>Reine Neiddebatte.
>Private flights have significantly higher emissions per passenger kilometre than other modes
>of transport. According to Transport and Environment, private jets are 5 to 14 times more
>polluting per passenger than commercial flights, and 50 times more polluting than trains
>(Transport & Environment, 2021). Some private jets emit two tonnes of CO2 per hour
>(Transport & Environment, 2021), while the carbon footprint of inhabitants of the EU27 was
>equal to 6.8 tonnes of per person in 2019 (Eurostat, 2022). According to Eurostat, the sector
>“transportation and storage” is the sector with the highest increase of GHG emissions
>(Eurostat, 2023). Within the transport sector, the largest increases of GHG emissions up to
>2030 are projected in the aviation sector (European Environment Agency, 2022).

Jo. Private Jets. Sag ich doch. Eine Diesel-Propellermaschine halt nicht. 16l Diesel/100km verbraucht ein VW Bus bei Vollgas auch.

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