Re:2022 in Deutschland ca 60.000 Privatjet.. flat
Autor: FS
Datum:12.05.23 09:43
Antwort auf:Re:2022 in Deutschland ca 60.000 Privatjet.. von Phil Gates

>Reine Neiddebatte.

Private flights have significantly higher emissions per passenger kilometre than other modes
of transport. According to Transport and Environment, private jets are 5 to 14 times more
polluting per passenger than commercial flights, and 50 times more polluting than trains
(Transport & Environment, 2021). Some private jets emit two tonnes of CO2 per hour
(Transport & Environment, 2021), while the carbon footprint of inhabitants of the EU27 was
equal to 6.8 tonnes of per person in 2019 (Eurostat, 2022). According to Eurostat, the sector
“transportation and storage” is the sector with the highest increase of GHG emissions
(Eurostat, 2023). Within the transport sector, the largest increases of GHG emissions up to
2030 are projected in the aviation sector (European Environment Agency, 2022).

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