Gab zumindest einen Kotsturm und einen Rückzieher flat
Autor: membran
Datum:23.06.21 01:33
Antwort auf:Anfang vom Ende von Blanko

Der Dev, dessen Spiel als einziges in der ursprünglichen Ankündigung namentlich erwähnt wurde, hat soviel Gegenwind bekommen, dass nun kräftigst zurückgerudert und der Werbetest auf ein F2P-Spiel verschoben wird:


"(...) It was the only named title listed to take part.

But its maker, Resolution Games, has now said its game "isn't the best fit" for in-game advertising.

After an outcry from gamers, the company issued a statement to media outlets from chief executive Tommy Palm, saying it had seen the feedback.

"Some good points have been made, and we realise that Blaston isn't the best fit for this type of advertising test. Therefore, we no longer plan to implement the test in Blaston," he said.

But he added that it might move the test to one of its other games - a free fishing title called Bait! - in the future.


The backlash to the initial announcement was swift.

Blaston was quickly "review bombed" in online stores - both Oculus's own store and PC gaming store Steam.

Angry gamers accused the company of "selling out to Facebook" or "handing the future over to a deranged billionaire and his ad-fuelled dreams".

Others called for refunds. (...)

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