Re:Wie ich schon öfters geschrieben habe flat
Autor: Chojin
Datum:24.02.24 00:45
Antwort auf:Re:Wie ich schon öfters geschrieben habe von Adema

>>Was verstehst du denn nicht daran, dass man durch Legalisierung auch jugendliche die eventuell nie Drogen nehmen würden, zum Kiffen verleitet?
>Gibts dazu Statistiken aus anderen Ländern? Kann natürlich sein, dass mehr Leute proberauchen, aber dazu gibts sicherlich belastbare Zahlen.


Cannabis use (any) in the past 3 months
15 to 17
Before legalization 19.8%
After legalization 10.4%



The percentage of teenagers who have "used marijuana one or more times during the past 30 days" had dropped to 21% in 2015, down from 25% in 2009



"In 1997, the Connecticut Law Revision Commission examined states that had decriminalized cannabis and found an increase in cannabis usage was less than the increase in states that have not decriminalized cannabis; furthermore, the commission stated: "the largest proportionate increase [of cannabis use] occurred in those states with the most severe penalties."


"In 2001, a report by Robert MacCoun and Peter Reuter entitled "Evaluating alternative cannabis regimes", was published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. The report found there was no available evidence cannabis use would increase if cannabis were decriminalized."


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