Re:Italien verlässt "Neue-Seidenstraße"-Initiative... flat
Autor: Treasurehunter
Datum:07.12.23 15:39
Antwort auf:Italien verlässt "Neue-Seidenstraße"-Initiative... von Kilian

>Italy will pull out of China's flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the government has confirmed. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's administration notified Beijing that it would cease participating in the BRI ahead of a deadline at the year's end.
>Italy was the only major Western nation to sign up to the BRI, one of China's most ambitious trade and infrastructure projects, in 2019. The move was heavily criticised by the US and others at the time.

>Tja, damit verliert China vorerst den Zugang über den Seeweg zu Zentral- und Nordeuropa - es sei denn, Serbien oder Ungarn böten sich anstelle Italiens an... Oh, wait!

Naja aktuell sind afaik ja noch Griechenland, Polen und Portugal dabei.

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