Zentrum der Gesundheit??? flat
Autor: Jassi
Datum:02.09.23 01:00
Antwort auf:Re:Etwas OT: Zur WHO und Aspartam von deltax

Okay, ZdG ist jetzt hartes Brot.

Hier die Conclusio aus der Originalstudie: Humphries, P., Pretorius, E., & Naudé, H. (2007). Direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62(4), 451–462. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602866

It was seen that aspartame disturbs amino acid metabolism,
protein structure and metabolism, integrity of nucleic acids,
neuronal function, endocrine balances and changes in the
brain concentrations of catecholamines. It was also reported
that aspartame and its breakdown products cause nerves to
fire excessively, which indirectly causes a very high rate of
neuron depolarization. The energy systems for certain
required enzyme reactions become compromised, thus
indirectly leading to the inability of enzymes to function
optimally. The ATP stores in the cells are depleted, indicating
that low concentrations of glucose are present in the cells,
and this in turn will indirectly decrease the synthesis of
acetylcholine, glutamate and GABA. The intracellular cal-
cium uptake has been altered, thus the functioning of
Effects of aspartame on the brain
glutamate as an excitatory neurotransmitter is inhibited.
Mitochondria are damaged, which could lead to apoptosis of
cells and infertility in men and also a lowered rate of
oxidative metabolism are present, thus lowering concentra-
tions of the transmitters glutamate and production of GABA.
The cellular walls are destroyed; thus, the cells (endothelium
of the capillaries) are more permeable, leading to a
compromised BBB. Thus, overall oxidative stress and neuro-
degeneration are present.
From all the adverse effects caused by this product, it is
suggested that serious further testing and research be
undertaken to eliminate any and all controversies surround-
ing this product.



The following comments relate to the review by Humphries et al. (2007). The premise of the review, that the high-intensity sweetener aspartame is neurotoxic, ignores a very large scientific literature to the contrary, recently comprehensively summarized (Butchko et al., 2002; Magnuson et al., 2007).

Auf der einen Seite haben wir "nature" und auf der anderen "ZdG"


>>Gings bei Aspartam nicht immer darum, dass es Diabetes auslösen kann?
>Aspartam kann auch Mentale Störung hervorrufen:
>Aspartam: Risiko für mentale Störungen
>"Eine Studie, die von südafrikanischen Wissenschaftlern an der Universität von Pretoria durchgeführt und im European Journal of Clinical Nutrition veröffentlicht wurde, kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass eine hohe Zufuhr des künstlichen Süssstoffes Aspartam zur Degeneration von Gehirnzellen und verschiedenen anderen mentalen Störungen führen kann."

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