Video: Why I Don't Care About Your Flight Emissions flat
Autor: hellbringer
Datum:19.11.22 01:20
Antwort auf:Umwelt, Bewusstsein, Klima: Wir sind am Arsch #2 von Bandit


In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I look at climate hypocrisy and carbon guilt. Specifically, I dig into why I don't care about your flight emissions, and how our attention to individual carbon footprints and worries about being seen as hypocritical distract from the task of dismantling the fossil fuel industry. Indeed, the fossil fuel industry and pundits allied with oil and gas wield the negativity of hypocrisy to stymie climate movements and fracture power. In short climate hypocrisy and carbon guilt individualizes a crisis that can only be tackled collectively.

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