Anekdote zum Verlust der Werbekunden... flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:09.11.22 15:01
Antwort auf:Elon Musk kauft Twitter von Kilian

From ad tweep who knows: The drop off is mostly self inflicted. First: The CRO walked out Friday. She's trusted by the marketing community. So, Elon goes to meet agency heads in NY. The Twitter exec who runs the US walked him in and is a trusted partner at these agencies. (He is fired at end of day.)

Those agencies start to pause/shift because everything feels uncertain and they don’t know who they should be coordinating with. Then, Elon gets dozens of advertiser CMOs on a call yesterday. It's amazing oppty.

And basically Elon is asked: What's the plan? And it's clear he hasn't either really prepped for this/doesn’t really want to tell anybody what the plan is/has no plan. No kidding: There were CMOs who literally paused/shifted budgets DURING the call because of the uncertainty.


Wow, selber das wichtige (und selbstgewählte) Meeting mit den Werbekunden in den Sand setzen, aber später dann in aller Öffentlichkeit "activist groups" dafür verantwortlich machen... O_o

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