US-Geheimdienstversagen in der Kritik flat
Autor: Cerberus
Datum:23.06.22 11:58
Antwort auf:Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine #6-die Ostoffensive von !!!

"In Ukraine, U.S. officials initially forecast that the Russians would take Kyiv, the capital, within a few days. In Afghanistan, some U.S. officials thought the Afghan military could hold together and continue to fight the Taliban after the American withdrawal. Both predictions were wrong.

The Pentagon has pushed back against accusations that it misjudged Ukraine, while acknowledging problems with its assessment of Afghanistan’s military. Intelligence officials have said errors in predicting the course of the Russian invasion were more a matter of overestimating the Russians than underestimating the Ukrainians."


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Ja, es ist schon auffällig, dass die da komplett danebengelegen haben, in kurzer Folge mehrmals hintereinander.

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