Berichte über Kriegsverbrechen rund um Kiew flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:02.06.22 08:56
Antwort auf:Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine #6-die Ostoffensive von !!!

"Trauma and fear are such that few rape victims are willing to testify, Larisa, a lawyer, told me. She is helping several victims of rape by Russian soldiers. But there are increasing accounts of gang rapes carried out over several days - and often involving torture. Among her clients, a mother and daughter, raped for days in front of each other’s eyes. Their hands were broken by their aggressors, making it impossible for them to defend themselves or escape. It's one of many cases and evidence that rape is systemic, used as a weapon of war, insists Larisa."


Man kriegt da bei jedem Bericht aufs Neue das kalte Kotzen...

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