Old Man's War / John Scalzi flat
Autor: pry
Datum:02.05.22 14:52
Antwort auf:Benötige Urlaubs-Lesestoff: SciFi, Thriller? von thestraightedge

"John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife's grave. Then he joined the army."

Sehr netter Page Turner.

Lock In / John Scalzi

Gestern fertig gelesen. Eine Police Scifi Geschichte mit cool konstruierte Story und sympathischen, ironisch/lustig angehauchten Charakteren. Liest sich auch wunderbar schnell weg. Allerdings ist der Story zugrunde liegende Pandemie scary af.

Great North Road / Peter F. Hamilton

"A century from now, thanks to a technology allowing instantaneous travel across light-years, humanity has solved its energy shortages, cleaned up the environment, and created far-flung colony worlds. The keys to this empire belong to the powerful North family—composed of successive generations of clones. Yet these clones are not identical. For one thing, genetic errors have crept in with each generation. For another, the original three clone “brothers” have gone their separate ways, and the branches of the family are now friendly rivals more than allies."
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