Re:Lobo zu Putins Krieg vs. Krieg der Russen flat
Autor: Vetinari
Datum:07.04.22 14:53
Antwort auf:Re:Lobo zu Putins Krieg vs. Krieg der Russen von lion88

>Und diese Phasen während des Kalten Krieges waren jemals so heiß wie jetzt? Für grenznahe Zwischenfälle sollte es eigentlich einen direkten Draht der Regierungsbüros geben.

Kubakrise sagt dir sicher was? Die Welt stand extrem kurz vorm Atomkrieg:
>The US Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed that a series of massive air raids on Cuba be prepared and executed immediately," Chertok wrote. "Kennedy found the inner strength to withstand this pressure and reject this proposal. Had such a plan been executed, World War III would have begun the next day."

>"I received the order to open an envelope that has been stored in a special safe and to act in accordance with its contents," Kirillov told Chertok confidentially. "According to the order, I must immediately prepare the duty combat missile at the engineering facility and mate the warhead located in a special depot, roll the missile out to the launch site, position it, test it, fuel it, aim it, and wait for a special launch command."

>“I didn’t expect you to be so naïve," Kirillov replied. "In the first place, for failing to execute an order I will be put before a military tribunal, and secondly, I repeat—it’s impossible to get a call through to Moscow, much less to Korolev, Ustinov, and even Khrushchev."

>Kirillov added that he was a soldier, and if the order came, he would not hesitate to obey it, even if it meant the end for everyone.


Atomare Aufrüstung in der 80ern? Da war es ähnlich knapp. Im Vergleich ist das jetzt nicht mal irgendwie dramatisch.

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