RIA definiert "Denazifizierung". Es ist Völkermord. flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:04.04.22 14:45
Antwort auf:Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine #5 von !!!


Englische Übersetzung:

Erst geht es natürlich um die Liquidierung des angeblichen Nazi-Regimes in der Ukraine. Logisch.

Dann werden jedoch noch weitere Kreise gezogen:

"However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged Nazi power. The just punishment of this part of the population is possible only as bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system, carried out with the utmost care and discretion in relation to civilians. Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship: not only in the political sphere, but also necessarily in the sphere of culture and education."
"Denazification can only be carried out by the winner, which implies (1) his absolute control over the denazification process and (2) the power to ensure such control. In this respect, a denazified country cannot be sovereign. The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach regarding denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party subjected to denazification."
"The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification."
"The name 'Ukraine' apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime. The people's republics newly created in the space free from Nazism should and will grow from the practice of economic self-government and social security, restoration and modernization of the life support systems of the population"

Und schließlich werden alle Masken fallen gelassen:

"Denazification will inevitably also be a de-Ukrainization"
"The Bandera elite must be liquidated, its re-education is impossible. The social "bog", which actively and passively supported it by action and inaction, must survive the hardships of the war and assimilate the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for its guilt."

Viel konkreter kann man den Willen zum Völkermord nicht ankündigen.

Darauf aufmerksam geworden bin ich über diesen Twitter-Thread:

Und auch genau davor haben die USA bereits im Februar gewarnt:

"Russian forces are “creating lists of identified Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps” in the event of an invasion, according to a letter sent by the US to the UN human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet.

Citing “disturbing information recently obtained by the United States” the letter, from the US ambassador to the UN, Bathsheba Crocker, warns that “we have credible information” that target lists have been drawn up by “Russian forces”.

It warns that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would create a “human rights catastrophe” and that further abuses are being planned, which have previously included “targeted killings, kidnappings/forced disappearances, unjust detentions, and the use of torture”."


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