Re:The Times: Gruppe Wagner jagt Selenskyj flat
Autor: Phil Gates
Datum:28.02.22 10:08
Antwort auf:The Times: Gruppe Wagner jagt Selenskyj von Pezking

>Putins nächste Mörderbande betritt die Bühne:
>"More than 400 Russian mercenaries are operating in Kyiv with orders from the Kremlin to assassinate President Zelensky and his government and prepare the ground for Moscow to take control, The Times has learnt.
>The Wagner Group, a private militia run by one of President Putin’s closest allies and operating as an arm-length branch of the state, flew in mercenaries from Africa five weeks ago on a mission to decapitate Zelensky’s government in return for a handsome financial bonus."

>Das ist deren Chef:
>Sieht aus wie der ideale Mann für die Entnazifizierung eines Landes!
>Mehr zur Gruppe Wagner und ihren Methoden aka Kriegsverbrechen:


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