Re:Es kommt alles wie es vorhersehbar war flat
Autor: txb2k3
Datum:12.09.21 13:36
Antwort auf:Re:Es kommt alles wie es vorhersehbar war von Cerberus

>>>Es fehlt überall:
>>>"The cold stores didn't have enough space to hold our crops, so we had to throw away a week's worth of production," explains Iain Brown, vice chairman of East Scotland Growers (ESG). "And we've not had enough workers to harvest our vegetable crops, meaning they are going to waste."
>>>While food shortages have been common in many countries over the course of the pandemic, Brown believes that one issue unique to the UK is making life extra painful: Brexit.
>>>According to Brown, the two essential prongs of production -- first, getting fresh food out of the ground, and then distributing it onto supermarket shelves -- are both taking a hit due to a lack of workers.
>Ist dein Link jetzt als Ergänzung zu verstehen oder steht da irgendwas anderes drin, was den CNN-Artikel widerlegt?

Steht im Prinzip das gleiche drin. Vielleicht möchte jemand das auf deutsch lieber lesen. Jammin hat es schon richtig erkannt.

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