Die FAZ kürzt das aber auch wirklich aufs "Wesentliche". flat
Autor: Ihsan
Datum:14.06.21 09:51
Antwort auf:Huch? Demo gar nicht für Trump-Foto aufgelöst von ChRoM

Hier etwas mehr Details:


Genau genommen klingt es fast noch schlimmer, denn Trump war sich wohl der Räumungsbemühungen bewusst und dass diese schwierig würde, hat aber seine Foto-Op dann DENNOCH durchgezogen:

Money Quote:
Park Police officials had already planned to clear the area and “had begun implementing the operational plan several hours before they knew of a potential Presidential visit to the park,” Inspector General Mark Lee Greenblatt said in a statement accompanying the report.

The report documents Trump’s attorney general, William Barr, encouraging commanders shortly before the push to clear the protesters because of Trump, but being dismissed.

In a remarkable exchange, the report recounts the testimony of an unnamed Park Police operations commander: “The Attorney General asked him, ‘Are these people still going to be here when POTUS (President of the United States) comes out?’ The USPP operations commander told us he had not known until then that the President would be coming out of the White House and into Lafayette Park. He said he replied to the Attorney General, ‘Are you freaking kidding me?’ and then hung his head and walked away. The Attorney General then left Lafayette Park.”

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