Wie gefährlich ist die Situation für den Aktienmarkt? flat
Autor: Kilik2001
Datum:31.01.21 15:52
Antwort auf:$GME Gamestop Sammelthread von Fritz Schober

Lese seit ein paar Tagen alles möglich auf Reddit, unter anderem sowas:

"They never anticipated millions of people flooding a bankrupt stock, its completely unheard of, hence the naked shorts. This is an anomaly, and probably the reason they are running to the white house for help. They NEED this stock to be halted otherwise it WILL cause a stock market crash. If these millions of shorted GME stocks are forced to be covered, that would mean billions of dollars would need to be liquidated from ALL OTHER STOCK HOLDINGS of the hedge fund(s), creating a flash crash across the board and all sectors. At this share price, you are talking hundreds of billions of dollars would need to be sold in order to cover all the naked shorts. This is much bigger than we all can even imagine, even the mainstream media is being used as a psychological tool to get us to sell. And with that, I say fuck it, let it all burn. But not until we see the mother of all short squeezes play out. We may have literally broke the stock market."

Das klingt heftig. Könnte daraus jetzt tatsächlich so eine derartig abartige Blase entstehen die alles in Schutt und Asche legt?

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