Er versucht dasselbe in Pennsylvania, nun der 3. B-Staat flat
Autor: membran
Datum:08.12.20 12:18
Antwort auf:Eigentlich Wahnsinn, dass er noch nicht abgeführt wurde von membran

"Trump asks Pennsylvania House speaker for help overturning election results, personally intervening in a third state"

"President Trump called the speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives twice during the past week to make an extraordinary request for help reversing his loss in the state, reflecting a broadening pressure campaign by the president and his allies to try to subvert the 2020 election result.

The calls, confirmed by House Speaker Bryan Cutler’s office, make Pennsylvania the third state where Trump has directly attempted to overturn a result since he lost the election to former vice president Joe Biden. He previously reached out to Republicans in Michigan, and on Saturday he pressured Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) in a call to try to replace that state’s electors. (...)

Es geht anscheinend nur keiner drauf ein. Aber so langsam werden die Stimmen lauter, die von einem Coup-Versuch sprechen. Und nur, weil er sich so selten dämlich dabei anstellt, macht das ja nicht weniger kriminell. Wenn ein Bankräuber komplett bescheuert agiert, über seine Schnürsenkel stolpert, während das Bankpersonal die Explosionstüren runterfahren lässt, kommt der ja auch nicht ungeschoren davon.


"(...) The technical term for attempting to stay in power illegitimately—such as after losing an election—is self-coup or autocoup, sometimes autogolpe.

Much debate has ensued about what exactly to call whatever Trump is attempting right now, and about how worried we should be. It’s true, the whole thing seems ludicrous—the incoherent lawsuits, the late-night champagne given to official election canvassers in Trump hotels, the tweets riddled with grammatical errors and weird capitalization.


The U.S. president is trying to steal the election, and, crucially, his party either tacitly approves or is pretending not to see it. This is a particularly dangerous combination, and makes it much more than just typical Trumpian bluster or norm shattering.

Maybe in other languages, from places with more experience with this particular type of power grab, we’d be better able to discuss the subtleties of this effort, to distinguish the postelection intervention from the Election Day injustices, to separate the legal but frivolous from the outright lawless, and to understand why his party’s reaction — lack of reaction — is not just about wanting to conclude an embarrassing presidency with minimal fanfare. But in English, only one widely understood word captures what Donald Trump is trying to do, even though his acts do not meet its technical definition. Trump is attempting to stage some kind of coup, one that is embedded in a broader and ongoing power grab.


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