Re:Hoffentlich machen es ALLE Trump Fans flat
Autor: Fritz Schober
Datum:03.09.20 19:20
Antwort auf:Re:Hoffentlich machen es ALLE Trump Fans von pacmanamcap

>>Weil dann sind deren Stimmen alle ungültig und sie kriegen noch eine heftige Strafe.
>Nein, damit ist der Grundstein gelegt, die GESAMTE Wahl ungültig zu erklären.

Mmmh... habe das gefunden:

There is no authority in the United States empowered to declare a Presidential election null and void.

There is a process to render a Presidential election null and void if a broad political consensus considers the election to have been somehow illegitimate. This requires majorities in most state delegations in the Electoral College and a majority of the members of the U.S. Senate and a majority of the members of a majority of the state delegations in U.S. House of Representatives (or, at least, the last two plus an absolute majority in the U.S. House).

If a Presidential election were rendered null and void in this way, the President would be selected under rules and procedures established by the Congress, with virtually no limitation on what those rules and procedures might be. In theory, they might even include a new election.

Verdammt, das könnte er anstreben...

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