Nein! flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:17.08.20 14:25
Antwort auf:"Woke" in 10 Schritten von ChRoM

Ich kann ja meinen Augen kaum trauen, dass ausgerechnet Du ein Video zu einer rechtskonservativen Antifeministin verlinkst, die sich u.a. gerne bei Tichys Einblick und Achgut austobt! Sachen gibt's!

Eine gute Analyse der Methodik, mit der Rechte via "Woke"-Bashing das Eintreten für mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit verunglimpfen und sich selbst in die Opferrolle bugsieren wollen:

Rather than rejecting the concept of wokeness outright, today’s detractors often claim they are rejecting the word as a signifier of pretentiousness and “cultural elitism”. However, as Fox and others have shown, it is as much to do with the issues of racial and social justice. Criticising “woke culture” has become a way of claiming victim status for yourself rather than acknowledging that more deserving others hold that status. It has gone from a virtue signal to a dog whistle. The language has been successfully co-opted – but as long as the underlying injustices remain, new words will emerge to describe them.


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