Re:False Flag Vandalism flat
Autor: Maxiplus (deaktiviert)
Datum:13.06.20 13:00
Antwort auf:False Flag Vandalism von thestraightedge

>Why tf?

Alles nur eine strategische Massnahme!

   “State Patrol troopers strategically deflated tires … in order to stop behaviors such as vehicles driving dangerously and at high speeds in and around protesters and law enforcement,” Gordon said.

   Gordon said the patrol also targeted vehicles “that contained items used to cause harm during violent protests” such as rocks, concrete and sticks.

   “While not a typical tactic, vehicles were being used as dangerous weapons and inhibited our ability to clear areas and keep areas safe where violent protests were occurring,” he said. … Deputies from Anoka County followed state orders and joined the patrol and also cut the tires on vehicles on Washington Avenue, said Anoka County Sheriff’s Lt. Andy Knotz.

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Scheint mir aber auch ziemlich fadenscheinig und in dem Umfang wie Overkill.
In einem anderen vermeintlichen Vandalismus-Video treten Cops die Scheibe ihres eigenen Fahrzeugs ein, aber das ergibt ja noch Sinn, weil diese beschädigt war und aus Sicherheitsgründen ganz entfernt werden musste.

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