Trump: "Hopefully, George is looking down right now..." flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:05.06.20 17:37
Antwort auf:US-Politik, Part VIII: We have to protect Thomas Edison! von Froschi

...und freut sich über diesen wundervollen Tag für die US-Wirtschaft:


Ich überlasse an dieser Stelle mal Coach Pop das Wort:

“He’s not just divisive. He’s a destroyer. To be in his presence makes you die. He will eat you alive for his own purposes. I’m appalled that we have a leader who can’t say, ‘Black lives matter.’ That’s why he hides in the White House basement. He is a coward. He creates a situation and runs away like a grade-schooler. Actually, I think it’s best to ignore him. There is nothing he can do to make this better because of who he is: a deranged idiot.”


Und damit hat einer der besten Trainer der NBA-Geschichte alles gesagt, was es zum aktuellen Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu sagen gibt.

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