New Orleans Saints: Nach Bountygate nun Pedogate? flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:31.01.20 14:14
Antwort auf:Der definitive NFL und andere US-Sportarten-Thread Pt 3 von Rocco

Ich wünschte, meine Überschrift wäre mehr Clickbait als zutreffend. Jedoch...

The Associated Press first reported the team’s involvement in the sex abuse scandal last week, alleging that the team had helped the archdiocese with damage control around the release of its list of alleged abusers. At the time, the victims’ lawyers accused the team of helping the church with its “pattern and practice of concealing its crimes.”

But according to the AP, the emails show more than help with damage control. The lawyers claimed that one email mentioned that the Saints’ senior vice president of communications had met with an unnamed third party to discuss “removing priests from the pedophile list.”


WTF?!? O_o

Bin mal gespannt, wie sich das weiterentwickelt. Zunächst wollte die NFL hier wohl nicht ermitteln, aber die Vorwürfe werden ja immer schwerwiegender und konkreter...

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