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Autor: Pezking
Datum:05.11.19 11:06
Antwort auf:mir geht gerade alles auf den Sack von tofmof

Denn nach Hass sind nach Zynismus und Resignation die größten Feinde.

Danach geht es mir immer besser:


People are wasteful, they waste all the food
People are hateful, and people are rude
But god I love some people sometimes
Because people are very, very special

And people are impatient, they don't know how to wait
People are selfish, people are prone to hate
But god I love some people sometimes
Because people are the greatest thing to happen

People are people regardless of skin
People are people regardless of creed
People are people regardless of gender
People are people regardless of anything

People are my religion because I believe in them
People are my enemies and people are my friends
I have faith in my fellow man
And I only hope that he has faith in me

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