Re:Smoking Gun flat
Autor: X1 Two (deaktiviert)
Datum:04.10.19 21:09
Antwort auf:Smoking Gun von Fritz Schober

>Ausgerechnet FOX NEWS hat die Story gebracht:
>Just over a week after Yermak's message to Volker about funding, Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, and Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine, texted each other. They were discussing the White House's decision to cancel Trump's meeting with  Zelensky in Poland.
>"As I said over the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign," Taylor wrote.
>"Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions," Sondland wrote back. "The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelenskiy promised during his campaign.”
>Sondland then recommended stopping the text exchange.

Wird interessant sein, wie viele Senatoren viel zu verlieren haben (Wahlen sind nächstes Jahr, rund ein Dutzend Republikaner-Senatoren stehen auf der Kippe) und sich von Trump abwenden, um ihre Wiederwahl zu sichern. Aber selbst dann wird es schwer die benötigte Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit zu bekommen.

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