Re:Trump makes UK great again! flat
Autor: Fritz Schober
Datum:01.06.19 11:19
Antwort auf:Trump makes UK great again! von Telemesse

Trump hofft, dass die UK einen no-deal Brexit machen und dann nach WTO Regeln handeln müssen, das ist natürlich super mies für die Briten und dann kann man mit denen ganz toll Schlitten fahren bilaterale Verträge diktieren verabschieden und sie zu Vasallen treuen Handelspartnern machen welche bedenkliche Waren die in der EU verboten sind großartige US Produkte leichter an die Briten verkaufbar macht.

"Ach Fritz, das ist doch wieder nur linkes Verschwörungsgeschwafel!"



The meat lobby wants the sale of growth hormone-fed beef, currently banned in the UK and EU, to be allowed in the UK.

The drugs company lobby wants changes to the NHS drugs approval process to allow it to buy more of US drugs.

They are also asking US officials - who will hold a hearing later - to seek lower tariffs on agricultural goods.


The US administration wants to secure "comprehensive access" for agricultural goods in Britain by reducing or eliminating tariffs. It also wants other barriers to US exports removed.
Scrapping those barriers could open Britain's door to genetically modified crops, animal feed with antibiotics and chlorine-washed chicken products that are banned in the European Union but common in the United States.
Henig said that the United States sees Brexit as an "opportunity to ensure the United Kingdom follows the US approach in areas such as food standards."

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