Nur Polyurethan flat
Autor: FS
Datum:01.05.19 12:15
Antwort auf:Hui: Plastikfressende Pilze - Hoax? von Rikkimaru

Ein Pilz der alles frisst existiert nicht. Aber man könnte den Plastik grob vorsortiert diversen Plastikfresserpilzen vorsetzen und so den Müllberg verkleinern. Wie eine Pflanze wächst der Pilz auch nicht einfach so. Die richtige Feuchtigkeit, Temperatur und sonstige Nährstoffe müssen vorhanden sein.

"In 2017, Khan and a team of other scientists collected a sample of a previously undiscovered strain of fungus on top of a garbage dump in Islamabad, Pakistan. When they took it back to China to study in the laboratory, the species of fungus, a previously undiscovered strain of the species Aspergillus tubingensis, was able to break down polyurethane—common in industrial settings and used in refrigerators, fake leather, and many other applications—in just weeks instead of decades. The fungus secretes enzymes that break down the plastic’s chemical bonds and uses its mycelia—filaments fungi grow that are much like a plant’s roots—to break apart the plastic further."

"While the discovery has potential, it will likely take years to develop it into something that can break down polyurethane on a large scale, partially because the scientists are still working on determining the best conditions for the fungus to grow. Khan’s team is at work looking for applications for their findings, and Leitch is cautiously optimistic. “This is an exciting discovery, but it is really quite new—it is going to be a long road to turn it into a solution.”
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