Re:Die soziale Komponente der Spenden ist auch in F Thema flat
Autor: Rand al'Thor
Datum:21.04.19 23:42
Antwort auf:Die soziale Komponente der Spenden ist auch in F Thema von X1 Two

Kann den Frust der Franzosen schon nachvollziehen. Es zeigt eben wieder einmal wie ungleich die Vermögen verteilt sind. Und soziale Themen spielen in Frankreich eine ganz andere Rolle als in Deutschland, allein schon aus historischen Gründen.

"It would be incredibly cheap to suggest that it is in some way wrong to give money for the restoration. There is a value that transcends simple economics in restoring testaments to civilisation. Better that Notre Dame remains a symbol of European history than €300 million rests in a billionaire's bank account.

But the immediacy and magnitude of their response tells us something very important about the society we live in.

If two men in a world of more than 7 billion people can provide €300million to restore Notre Dame, within six hours, then there is enough money in the world to feed every mouth, shelter every family and educate every child. The failure to do so is a matter of will, and a matter of system.

The failure to do so comes from our failure to recognise the mundane emergencies that claims lives all around us every single day. Works of art and architectural history and beauty rely on the ingenuity of people, and it is people who must be protected above all else.

Brick and mortar and stained-glass might burn, but they do not bleed, and they do not starve, and they do not suffer. Humans suffer. Everywhere in the world, from Paris to Persepolis, people are suffering. But their suffering is every day. It does not light up a front page, and it does not inspire immediate donations from the world's wealthiest men."


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