lol @Raab: why read the 35 pages Good Friday Agreement flat
Autor: pry
Datum:05.02.19 09:51
Antwort auf:Brexit - der thread mit Tee Age von fianna


"[...] Painstakingly negotiated by all parties in Northern Ireland, and the British and Irish governments, it is the fundamental starting point for any understanding of the cessation of The Troubles, the delicate nature of power-sharing and the rules for changing the constitutional status of the contested region.
It is also the gateway to understanding how joint membership of the EU aides the absence of a border on the island, creating a harmonisation which is now being placed under threat. [...]"

Herrlich. Entscheidungsträger mit einem Ignorance Level, das jeden Flatearther erblassen lässt. Das sind die Leute, die UKs Zukunft steuern. Mein Beileid.

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