Madeleine Albright zieht Faschismus Parallelen bei Trump flat
Autor: FS
Datum:08.07.18 14:11
Antwort auf:US-Politik 2018 Part 4 - Not a puppet, just a muppet von X1 Two

"It is in his methods that Trump can be compared with, if not precisely likened to, the dictators of the 1930s. Fascists are typically masters of political theatre. They feed on and inflame grievances by setting “the people” against their “enemies”. Fascists tell their supporters that there are simple fixes for complex problems. They present as national saviours and conflate themselves with the state. They seek to subvert, discredit and eliminate liberal institutions." - Madeleine Albright


Endlich hört man mal so klare Ansagen außerhalb der "strammen Linken". Was Trump gerade macht ist demokratiezersetzend.

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