Re:Ab jetzt gibt es keine Ausrede mehr fürs Beintraining flat
Autor: Optimus Prime
Datum:29.06.18 11:38
Antwort auf:Re:Ab jetzt gibt es keine Ausrede mehr fürs Beintraining von geek

Ob es beim Menschen genauso ist sei natürlich mal dahingestellt.

Aus dem Versuchsaufbau:
Briefly, the animals (housed at a temperature of between 20° and 24°C, humidity between 35 and 50% and with a light cycle of 12 h) were suspended individually in cages (built by the experimenters following the model of Wronski and Morey-Holton; Morey-Holton and Globus, 2002) by thin string tied at one end to the tail and connected at the other end to the top of the cage; the length of the string was adjusted to allow the animals to move freely on their forelimbs, while the body was inclined at 30–40° from the horizontal plane such that only the forelimbs touched the bottom of the cage

Also die konnten lediglich ihre "Arme" nutzen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe.

Akzeptiere doch einfach den Motivationsversuch ;P

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