OMG Apple flat
Autor: Stitch
Datum:07.02.17 01:47
Antwort auf:Die M!client App für iOS - Eine Bitte von Steppenwolf

Hatte am WE eine neue Version des M!clients (mit awesome new Features!) in den AppStore geschoben, eben bekam ich eine Nachricht, dass das Update rejected wurde.

>We noticed that your app or its metadata includes irrelevant third-party platform information. Specifically, Android is mentioned in the screenshots.

>Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its metadata is not permitted on the App Store unless there is specific interactive functionality.

>Please see attached screenshots for details.

>Next Steps

>Please remove all instances of this information from your app and its metadata, including the app description, What's New info, previews, and screenshots.

>Since your iTunes Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit iTunes Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.

>NOTE: Please be sure to make any metadata changes to all app localizations by selecting each specific localization and making appropriate changes.

Wer das nicht ganz versteht: Es geht darum, dass in den Screenshots für den AppStore der Android Thread hier im OT zu sehen ist.
Ich lag eben schon im Bett, check noch mal die Mails und jetzt brauch ich erstmal ein Bier...

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