Hauptsächlich aus Film & TV.. flat
Autor: Yara
Datum:29.10.08 23:27
Antwort auf:Eure Lieblingszitate von LMS

To every man there openeth a way,
And the high soul climbs the high way,
And the low soul gropes the low;
And in between on the misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro.
But to every man there openeth
A high way and a low
And every man decideth
The way his soul shall go.

"Start at the end." - Lewis (The Lookout)

"Now, remember: you don't aim a gun at a man unless you intend to shoot him. And, you don't shoot a man unless you intend to kill him. No warning shots. Hey, you listening to me? No warning shots. Warning shots are bullshit. You shoot to kill, or you don't shoot at all." - Jody (Phantasm)

"These are the 5 best moments of my sorry excuse of a life. My greatest hits." - Charlie (Lost)

That a man can change himself, improve himself, re-create himself, control his environment, and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action. - Larson

Und ein paar Highlights aus Supernatural (Spoiler bla):

You can take your anemic alternative pop and shove it up your ass. - Creator Eric Kripke im Pilot-Script

Dean: "Truth is, I'm tired, Sam. And, I don't know, it's like there's a light at the end of the tunnel."
Sam: "It's Hellfire, Dean."

Sam: "How could you make that deal?"
Dean: "Because I couldn't live with you dead."

Dean: "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."

Trickster: "Meaning that's for me to know, and you to find out."

Dean: "Well I'm a freak, too. I'm right there with you, all the way."

Ash: "All business up front - party in the back."

Dean: "My father was an obsessed bastard!"

Dean: "Sammy, I get all tingly when you take control like that."

Dean: "The freaks come out at night."

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more - Kansas (der ganze Text ist sehr cool)



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