Re:Vierte Impfung nicht so gut wie erhofft flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:05.01.22 13:53
Antwort auf:Vierte Impfung nicht so gut wie erhofft von hellbringer

>Nach der vierten Impfung ist man auf dem selben Level wie nach der dritten Impfung. Also es sieht so aus, als müsste man alle 4 Monate boostern:

Das wird höchstwahrscheinlich kein Dauerzustand sein:

"One possible future many experts see: In the post-pandemic period, the virus causes colds for some and more serious illness for others, depending on their overall health, vaccine status and prior infections. Mutations will continue and might eventually require boosters every so often that are updated to better match new variants.

But human immune systems will continue to get better at recognizing and fighting back. Immunologist Ali Ellebedy at Washington University at St. Louis finds hope in the body's amazing ability to remember germs it's seen before and create multi-layer defenses. Memory B cells are one of those layers, cells that live for years in the bone marrow, ready to swing into action and produce more antibodies when needed. But first those memory cells get trained in immune system boot camps called germinal centers, learning to do more than just make copies of their original antibodies. In a new study, Ellebedy's team found Pfizer vaccinations rev up "T helper cells" that act as the drill sergeant in those training camps, driving production of more diverse and stronger antibodies that may work even if the virus changes again.

Ellebedy said baseline population immunity has improved so much that even as breakthrough infections inevitably continue, there will be a drop in severe illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths — regardless of the next variant.

"We are not the same population that we were in December of 2019," he said. "It's different ground now."

Think of a wildfire tearing through a forest after a drought, he said. That was 2020. Now, even with omicron, "it's not completely dry land," but wet enough "that made the fire harder to spread."

He foresees a day when someone gets a coronavirus infection, stays home two to three days "and then you move on. That hopefully will be the endgame.""


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