FFP2 hilft (supergut) flat
Autor: PUH
Datum:04.12.21 12:40
Antwort auf:Medikamente, Therapien, Impfstoffe, Krankenhäuser #4 von Adema

"The fitted FFP2 masks studied here (and, most likely, other vertically folded FFP2 masks of similar design), when properly fitted to infectious and susceptible faces, can reduce the risk of infection by a factor of 30 compared with loosely worn masks and by a factor of 75 compared with fitted surgical masks for an exposure duration of 20 min. Our results also suggest that the use of FFP2 masks should be preferred to surgical masks, as even loosely worn FFP2 masks can reduce the risk of infection by a factor of 2.5 compared with well-fitted surgical masks. Considering that the upper bound for infection risk used here is, by definition, extremely conservative, we conclude that universal masking with surgical masks and/or FFP2 masks is a very effective measure to minimize the transmission of COVID-19."



Könnte auch in den positive News Thread. FFP2 hilft sehr sehr gut.

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