UK streicht so ziemlich alle Beschränkungen ab dem 19.7. flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:05.07.21 20:50
Antwort auf:Corona around the world - Situation anderer Länder #2 von Ride

....wenn in ein paar Tagen erwartungsgemäß Stufe 4 der dortigen Lockerungen grünes Licht bekommt:

"What Downing Street calls the legalistic, 'top-down edicts' approach of telling people what to do will be replaced by advice for the public to 'manage risk to protect themselves and others'. The remaining businesses still to reopen such as nightclubs will be able to do so; there will no longer be attendance caps at events such as weddings; there will be no capacity limits for cinemas, theatres and live concerts; table service will not be mandatory in pubs and cafes; the advice to work from home will end."

Zur Maskenpflicht:

"It will be entirely voluntary, although people will be asked to be mindful of mitigating infection risks for both themselves and others when in crowded spaces with strangers, such as public transport."

Und die Kirsche auf dem Scheißhaufen:

"Downing Street says people will have to “use their personal judgment based on their individual circumstances”, with possible ideas for vulnerable people to only travel on public transport at quieter times of the day. Similarly, there will be no specific protection for clinically vulnerable people who feel they cannot return to their workplace if others there are not wearing masks or socially distancing."


Der aktuelle Ist-Zustand in UK:

"Die hochansteckende Delta-Variante lässt die Corona-Fallzahlen in Großbritannien derzeit wieder in die Höhe schießen, die Inzidenz liegt bei knapp 200. Allerdings steigt die Zahl der Krankenhauseinweisungen und Todesfälle nicht in gleichem Maße an wie in vorherigen Wellen."


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