Re:Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen flat
Autor: suicuique
Datum:21.05.21 09:37
Antwort auf:Kann ich mir kaum vorstellen von Telemesse

Der Bericht gibt aber auch keine genauen Zahlen für den Effekt von Covid. Die erhobenen Zahlen beziehen sich (soweit ich das überblicken kann!) alle auf Zeiträume vor Covid.

Zum Effekt von Covid finden sich folgende Passagen im Vorwort bze. der Einleitung:

Early evidence suggests that the “new normal” caused by the pandemic had a significant effect on our lifestyles, including drinking habits. Across 11 countries, 36% of individuals said that they had increased consumption of alcohol. An overall increase in consumption was also confirmed by government sources monitoring sales, at least in some countries for which data are available. For example, in the United Kingdom, total alcohol duty receipts showed a 4.5% increase in the period April to October 2020, compared to the same period in the previous year. Similarly, US data from 15 states suggest a 4% increase in the quantity of alcohol sold in the period January to August 2020, compared to the same period in the previous year. German data show an increase in alcohol tax revenues of 3.3% in 2020, compared to 2019.

People increased drinking frequency. Among individuals in the 11 countries, 43% increased their drinking frequency, compared to a quarter of adults who decreased their drinking. The probability of binge drinking – drinking more than 80% of a bottle of wine or 1.5 litres of beer per drinking occasion – did not change for nearly half of the population. About 29% of the respondents reported binge drinking less frequently, though 23% said they were binge drinking more frequently.

Dass der Alkoholkonsum in der Pandemie zunimmt ist also eine Einschätzung basierend auf ersten Zahlen und Umfragen und damit nicht vergleichbar mit dem umfangreichen Zahlenmaterial der Vorjahre.


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