Drosten im SPIEGEL... flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:23.01.21 23:56
Antwort auf:Wie ist das jetzt eigentlich, wenn man infiziert war? von Slapshot

Leider ist das deutsche Original-Interview hinter einer Paywall, daher auf Englisch:

DER SPIEGEL: Which of the new mutants do you believe is the most dangerous?

Drosten: In a population that still isn't immune, like here in Germany, the variant from Britain will likely find success, because it is better at spreading, it is more contagious. The South African and Brazilian variants may be able to infect people who have already had the disease, but that likely doesn't give them an advantage in a population where immunity isn't yet widespread. Which means that the virus will be distributed here and there over the course of the next year, and new variants will surely appear.

DER SPIEGEL: What does that mean for the vaccines?

Drosten: One of the mutations in the Brazilian and South African variants has already demonstrated a serious immune escape ...

DER SPIEGEL: ... which helps the virus evade our immune defenses. Does that mean that the vaccines will be ineffective?

Drosten: Antibodies are just one component of immune protection, another is T-cell immunity. That protects much more strongly against a serious progression of the illness. If the virus mutates, it doesn't have an effect on T-cell immunity. As such, I don't think that we have to fear that our vaccines will be ineffective.


Solltest IMO relativ beruhigt schlafen können. Eine Mutante der Varianten aus Brasilien und Südafrika kann zwar zu einer Neuinfektion führen, aber sie steht in direkter Konkurrenz zu den anderen, bei uns viel verbreiteteren Varianten - darunter die Britische, die zudem sehr viel ansteckender ist. Und eine erneute Ansteckung mit einer der bei uns verbreiteten Varianten ist, soweit mir bekannt, zwar nicht vollkommen ausgeschlossen, aber doch sehr unwahrscheinlich.

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