Re:Gestern angeblich 2000 Tote flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:07.08.20 11:58
Antwort auf:Gestern angeblich 2000 Tote von Deadly Engineer

>Quelle:, daher kein Link

Hier ein Link zur BBC:

"Figures from Johns Hopkins University show 2,108 people died in the past 24 hours while there are now more than half a million confirmed infections."
"President Donald Trump also said he expects the US to see a lower death toll than the initial predictions of 100,000 fatalities, adding: 'We're seeing clear signs that our aggressive strategy is saving countless lives'."


Diese Ansicht von Trump teilen nicht alle Experten:

"The US forecast totals 295,011 deaths by December," the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation statement says.
The statement said that if 95% of the people in the US wear face coverings, the number would decrease to 228,271 deaths, and more than 66,000 lives could be saved."

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