Er ist nicht der dümmste Mensch der Welt!!! flat
Autor: McG
Datum:16.04.20 22:00
Antwort auf:Trump, Corona und Antibiotika von Telemesse

Er ist dümmer.

>»This is very complex, this is a brilliant enemy, you know this is a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics … you see … antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems in the world is the germ [CoVid-19, a virus that doesn’t respond to antibiotics] has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic cannot keep up with it. And they're constantly trying to come up with a new … people go to the hospital and they catch … they go for a heart operation — that’s no problem — but they end up dying from … from … problems. You know the problems I’m talking about. There’s a whole genius to it. It’s hidden but it’s very smart.«
>Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>gesendet mit m!client für iOS

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