Re:Bzgl. Inflation flat
Autor: MH
Datum:07.04.20 12:11
Antwort auf:Re:Bzgl. Inflation von Ihsan

>>- Die EZB intensiviert das was sie die letzten Jahre schon begonnen hat nochmal ganz massiv - sie finanziert Staaten und druckt daher Geld. --> Inflation.
>Nach neueren Denkschulen ist das nicht mehr ganz so sicher wie wir das noch in der Schule vermittelt bekommen haben:
>>Indeed, recent experience suggests that in a globalized economy characterized by slower growth and an excess of savings, the link between any country’s money supply and its inflation rate has been broken. The most compelling evidence comes from Japan, where the government has been monetizing debt like crazy for more than a decade but still worries more about deflation than inflation. And there’s Europe, where despite years of bond-buying by the central bank that generated negative interest rates, there is no inflation.
>Dafür aber:
>>In the end, the real cost of printing and spending trillions of dollars to rescue the economy is not likely to come in the form of higher taxes to pay debt service or higher inflation that reduces our standard of living. Instead, the price will be paid by having a boom-and-bust economy in which the level of indebtedness, the depth of the recession and the size of the government rescue increase with each cycle, until the world finally loses faith and we are forced to give up our exorbitant privilege, much as Britain did a century ago.

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