Re:Eine Million bestätigte Fälle weltweit flat
Autor: mellow
Datum:03.04.20 01:36
Antwort auf:Eine Million bestätigte Fälle weltweit von Fritz Schober

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Research by the University of Nebraska shows that genetic material from the virus was found in patients' rooms more than 6 feet away from the patients, according to the letter.
Fineberg said it's possible that aerosolized coronavirus droplets can hang in the air and potentially infect someone who walks by later.

He added, however, that coronavirus is not as infectious as measles or tuberculosis.

How long coronavirus lingers in the air depends on several factors, including how much virus an infected individual puts out when breathing or talking, and also on the amount of circulation in the air, he said.
"If you generate an aerosol of the virus with no circulation in a room, it's conceivable that if you walk through later, you could inhale the virus," Fineberg said. "But if you're outside, the breeze will likely disperse it."

Sprich selbst der Abstand ist ja useless, wenn Du danach durch die "Spur" Deines Gegenübers laufen musst im Office z.b. :/ und am Besten noch mit ner normalen Maske, die vielleicht schon bissl durchfeuchtet ist... das fetzt nicht!


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