Scheiß auf den Trailer... flat
Autor: kellaabaa
Datum:20.12.24 14:33
Antwort auf:Shitstorm incoming in 3, 2, 1 ... von Bomber

...aber die Kommentarsektion ist Bombe!

"The hatred of this movie will reunite the world. Its a Christmas miracle"

"This trailer makes me want to sit on the TV and look at my couch"^

"At this point, the monetization of this video is gonna earn Disney more revenue than the movie itself will."

"Disney - “Coming to a theatre near you”
Me - Is that a threat?"

"They finally did it. They made a movie nobody is going to pirate."

"This trailer saved my dad. He has been in a coma for 8 months, and when I played this trailer he woke up and got out of bed to turn it off. Thank you Disney."

Sorry, ich bin wohl ein böser Mensch. :D

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