Als Filmtrilogie ohne Originalmacher :-/ flat
Autor: HomiSite
Datum:02.12.23 12:55
Antwort auf:Es geht (irgendwie) weiter! von HomiSite

Ich hatte es gar nicht mitbekommen, aber im August wurde bekannt, dass WARRIOR NUN als Kinofilm-Trilogie wiederbelebt werden soll. Zwei Monate später kam dann raus, dass die Originalmacher (zumindest Showrunner Simon Barry) dabei gar nicht involviert sind.

Eine Kim Bell schrieb Ende November dann zu der ganzen Sache einen längeren und pessimistischen Artikel:



>[...] For years now, audiences have either passively accepted or enthusiastically lapped-up mediocre content that calls itself storytelling, solely because it's what's being offered. If Netflix and other streamers and studios run on "Because you watched X, you'll watch a cheaper, less innovative X" it's because we have allowed it to do this to us. 
>This trilogy being made without Simon Barry is not a revival of the series that was lost, and if it's all successful, fans will have won a temporary battle, only to lose a more significant war. Barry's series has all the hallmarks of a narrative that, like "Star Trek" before it, could have evolved over time in the right form, and under the right leadership, into a sprawling world whose stories span and speak to multiple generations. But it won't happen like this. It won't happen, in this life or the next, unless viewers send a message by resisting temptation, and refusing, for once, to settle for the franchise content consolation prize. 

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