"The strongest adaptation yet " (IGN) :-D flat
Autor: HomiSite
Datum:18.07.22 14:29
Antwort auf:Resident Evil Serie - Netflix von Pfroebbel

Ihr Hater, hört auf den Händler! :-) Siehe: []


>[...] Netflix's Resident Evil represents everything “Resident Evil'' in fresh (sans festering flesh) but attentively familiar ways. For all its alterations, Andrew Dabb's series is a union of what both video game and movie audiences know — or don’t — about Resident Evil. Paul W.S. Anderson used title appeal to corner the action junkie market, Johannes Roberts lifts entire sequences like silly putty on newspaper, and Dabb sees the value in blending both approaches. The latest in a long string of Resident Evil adaptations may be the most faithful yet, since there's a hell of a lot more to consider than "that doesn't look like my favorite character."

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