2. Staffel "up in the air" laut 2 Executive Producers flat
Autor: Cerberus
Datum:05.05.22 11:00
Antwort auf:Moon Knight [Serie, Disney+] von Fred LaBosch


"“We don’t know if there’s a next season,” Diab told Deadline today.

“Marvel doesn’t go with a conventional way, so even if they like the character and want to extend the world, it could be season 2, it could be a standalone film, or he can join another superhero’s journey,” added the director of the season one finale.

“I’m kept in the dark, just like the fans,” Diab added.

“We never discussed it being a season 2, but one day there’s going to be an expansion, but I don’t know how it’s going to look like,” he continued.

Moon Knight EP Grant Curtis echoed Diab on season 2.

“Where Moon Knight lands in MCU after this, I actually don’t know,” said Curtis, “As a fan, I want to know, because Oscar created such an engaging, emotional performance that people want to see more of the Steven-Marc-Jake story.”"

"Deadline separately checked in with Disney as well and at this time, it’s still TBD whether there’s a second season of Moon Knight."

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