Re:Warum gibt es immer noch DVD? flat
Autor: Optimus Prime
Datum:15.11.20 11:41
Antwort auf:Re:Warum gibt es immer noch DVD? von Droog

Also zumindest 2018 wurde in den USA immernoch mehr Umsatz mit DVDs als mit Blu Rays gemacht. Generell läuft streaming aber wohl den Markt ab. 2005 war das Umsatzstärkste Jahr und seitdem geht es wohl nach unten.

2018 DVD: $2.2billion
2018 Blu Ray: $1,8billion

Umsatzstärkstes Jahr ever:
DVD 2005: $16,3 billion
Blu Ray 2013: $2,37 billion

At its peak, DVD sales reached $16.3 billion and were 64% of the U.S. home video market. That was 2005. These days, DVD sales account for less than 10% of the total market, with total sales hitting $2.2 billion in 2018.

Blu-Ray discs, which have always been slightly more expensive than DVDs, launched in 2006. At most, Blu-Ray sales reached $2.37 billion in 2013, before falling to $1.8 billion in 2018. It's likely that Blu-Ray sales fractionally impacted the decline of DVD sales, but the fact that DVD sales still outpace Blu-Ray sales shows it's not the real culprit.

Instead, a combination of the Great Recession, a rise in customers buying on-demand and digital copies of films and the launch of streaming services is what has caused DVD sales to decline more than 86% in the last 13 years.


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