Re:Meine Gedanken (sorry, alles auf Englisch) flat
Autor: thestraightedge
Datum:21.12.19 17:42
Antwort auf:Meine Gedanken (sorry, alles auf Englisch) von Kyo

Danke für die Mühen, ist gut zu lesen.

But I antworte in ze Görman!

>J.J. Abrams is a total hack.

Naje, nee, also nee.

> This was such a cringe-worthy moment! And it wasn't the only one in the film. The stupid Han Solo cameo with the even more stupid "I know" quote - again, stupid and so predictable I was going "don't say it..." before he did. It felt so dumb I came quite close to yelling at the screen. The fan service was so painful this time around. What was Lando even good for plot-wise?

Siehe unten, ja, da hat ers übertrieben.

> The fact that her facial expressions from this leftover footage were so clearly not in sync with the rest of the scenes took me out of the film several times. Also, her sudden death felt really lame.

Doch, Leia hat für mich funktioniert. Sie habens beste draus gemacht.

>Let's look at all the stuff that happened inbetween the opening and the finale, which mirrored the lame MacGuffin element of TFA's script: The heroes need to find that Sith planet. So they need to find a wayfinder. So they need to find that place on this conveniently handy map from Luke, which leads them to that dagger with the convenient hints where to look next. So they need to find the tech genius who can help get the translation out of C3PO. So they need to go yet another planet, where Rey just happens to hold up that dagger before the death star from juuuust the right angle the very moment they arrive. My God! All this somehow managed to be needlessy convoluted and insultingly straightforward at the same time.

Yepp, das ist was dran. Das meinte ich mit meiner Umschreibung in meinem Review-Posting unten. Ich bin fast sicher, dass sich das durch eine erneute Sichtung entzerrt, aber das ist ja eigentlich auch nicht unbedingt Sinn eines Filmes.

>Visually it was really nice, but the action scenes never felt particularly captivating - I think Abrams did better with TFA and Rian Johnson had more compelling fighting scenes in TLJ.

Ist auch was dran. Vieles war zu überladen und litt unter einem ähnliche Problem wie das Pacing. Mir hat das aber dennoch gefallen.

>The Rey/Kylo fight between the waves was clearly trying to seem epic, but it didn't do much for me.

Doch, das war für mich schon epic...

>And nothing here came close to the stunning effect of the Holdo lightspeed jump scene in TLJ. That was was a moment for the ages, and it made you feel something for a character you probably didn't like all that much before.

Das stimmt. Vielleicht am Ende, der Imperator mit seinen Händen in den Himmel...

>Even the finale left me cold: Rey meets Palpatine and the only bit of dialogue J.J. Abrams could think of was a rehash of the usual "give in to your hate, join the dark side" sermon?

Genau das ist es, was ich mit "zu viel Fanservice" meinte. JJ hatte Angst vor dem Toxic Fandom, und hat direkt JEDE Chance genutzt, sich anzubiedern. Das war tlw. platt und viel zu kalkuliert.

>And of course then it got super-cheesy with the the jedi ghost messages, the dual light-sabers and the resurrection scene. I would've cringed, but by that point I had already stopped caring.

Hat für mich dennoch funktioniert

>So yeah, I did not enjoy Episode IX very much. Which is too bad, because I really had some hopes for it after the previous one. But in the end I was sadly right about J.J. Abrams. His twists and reveals were never more clever than expected. Elements of nostalgia were milked to the max. The new characters were never more than means of advancing the plot. And the plot was never particularly good or in any way original.

Ist auch was dran; ich fands dennoch toll, so in der Gesamtsicht und Mischung, die da geliefert wurde.

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