Ultimate Preview von Vanity Fair flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:22.05.19 17:36
Antwort auf:Star Wars - Episode IX (2019) von Pezking

Naturgemäß ist ein Preview nicht komplett spoilerfrei, das liegt in der Natur der Sache. Ein sehr lesenswerter Artikel, spannende Fotos, ein kurzes Video - ein schönes Info-Paket! :-)


Diese kurze Bestandsaufnahme zum vorläufigen Ist-Zustand der Sequel-Trilogie fand ich sehr treffend:

"But the more interesting thing about The Force Awakens and its successor, The Last Jedi, written and directed by Rian Johnson, was how they subtly complicated Lucas’s vision. Thirty years have gone by since the ending of Return of the Jedi, during which time the newly reborn Republic became complacent and politically stagnant, allowing the rise of the reactionary neo-imperial First Order, whose origins we will learn more about in Skywalker. “It was almost like if the Argentine Nazis had sort of got together and actually started to bring that back in some real form,” Abrams says. Just like that, the rules of the Star Wars universe changed. It wasn’t all over when the Ewoks sang. Obi-Wan Kenobi and all those Bothans had died in vain. Even Han and Leia split up. It’s all a little less of a fairy tale now.

The feather-haired godling Luke suffered the trauma of having a Padawan go bad on his watch. It’s an echo of what happened to his old mentor, Obi-Wan, with Anakin Skywalker, who became Darth Vader. But where Obi-Wan made peace with it, waiting serenely in the desert of Tatooine for the next Chosen One to arrive, Luke’s guilt curdled into shame. He hid himself away, so that his Chosen One, Rey, had to spend most of The Force Awakens searching for him, and then another whole movie convincing him with the help of Yoda’s Force ghost to keep the Jedi Order going at all. Star Wars arrived as an antidote to the disillusionment of the 1970s—but now, in its middle age, Star Wars is grappling with disillusionment of its own."

Bei mir sorgt das dafür, dass ich überhaupt weiterhin Neugier in Sachen "Star Wars" verspüre.

Schönes Timing auch: Die Haken hinter Endgame, GoT und der Bundesliga sind frisch gesetzt - jetzt heißt es freie Fahrt für SW-Hype! :-)

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