Re:Sehe ich ähnlich flat
Autor: Fred LaBosch
Datum:19.01.19 15:28
Antwort auf:Re:Sehe ich ähnlich von wongfeifong

>>Ich fand Episode 8 gut und neu, kürzlich nochmals im Heimkino geschaut auf Englisch. Ich echauffiere mich allerdings auch nicht daran, dass "Martha" auch Mutter eines Ausserirdischen sein kann, und ein Comic-Held seine Menschlichkeit darin wieder findet. Aber ich bin auch recht genügsam. :)
>>Falls bekannt, ignorieren:
>sehe ich nicht so. Aber ja meine Meinung.
>Die Fans sind schuld ist natürlich der einfachste Weg. D.h. Disney kann machen was Sie wollen, die Filme sind immer gut und wenn es einem großen Teil der Zuschauer nicht passt dann liegt es an denen oder an Ihren "subvert expectations".
>Aha, redet Euch den ganzen Schund schön.

Wie oft eigentlich noch und geht es jetzt wieder von vorn los?

>>"Today, decades after its release where fans have had plenty of time to marinate on Empire, it's hailed as the best entry in the entire franchise. But at the time of its release, it was divisive like The Last Jedi is right now.
>>And it's one thing for a movie to be divisive. Especially when something as massive as Star Wars is involved, it's impossible to please everyone. Individual tastes are subjective, and the millions of Star Wars fans around the globe had their own ideas for what they wanted to see in The Last Jedi. Conversations and debates about a film's happenings are commonplace and quite typical. However, a case can be made things went a bit too far in the case of The Last Jedi. The discourse was particularly toxic, going well beyond intentionally sabotaging the film's audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Extreme instances of distaste for the movie boiling over included constant harassment of Johnson and star Kelly Marie Tran (who ended up deleting her Instagram after numerous attacks), the call for Kathleen Kennedy to be fired from her position as Lucasfilm president, and even a petition demanding The Last Jedi be removed from Star Wars canon. There's also a case to be made the Last Jedi discussion had (some) negative impact on Solo, as evidenced by Ron Howard retweeting praise for the spinoff that simultaneously bashed The Last Jedi. Overall, it was a nasty few months that highlighted the worst the fandom had to offer. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of the film, obviously, but there was no need for things to reach this point."

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